Do you have large pores, unwanted facial hair, and uneven skin texture? Read on as we tackle one of the go-to treatment of many today.

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Our skin is daily exposed to harsh environmental toxins, irritants, and sun damage. This can cause the top layer of your skin to appear dull, and it can make you look aged.

Among the many treatments we have on the market, there is this one who is making a buzz by providing greater results against peach fuzz and considered to be the best exfoliant for all- The Dermaplaning. This is also one of the most sought after treatment at DESUAR Spa- the haven that provides quality treatment to the many people who wanted to look good and feel great of themselves.

But what is a Dermaplane and what it does to your skin?

Dermaplaning is a skin treatment that exfoliates your skin and skim off dirt and vellus hair, better known as “peach fuzz.” It’s also called microplaning or blading. It aims to make your skin’s surface smooth, youthful, and radiant. This treatment claims to remove deep scarring from acne and uneven pockmarks on your skin.

It’s different from dermabrasion, where an aesthetician or doctor uses a high-speed, rotating brush to exfoliate the skin. With dermaplaning, they use a scalpel or a tool called a dermatome. The doctor or aesthetician moves the dermatome, which looks like an electric razor, back and forth to scrape off the top layer of dead skin.

If you look at the tool used for dermaplaning treatments, you may notice it looks like a razor you would use on your body hair.

The basic concept of dermaplaning is the same as shaving. By aiming a sterile blade at a 45-degree angle and dragging it slowly across your skin, you remove dead cells, scar tissue, and other debris that may be making your skin’s surface look uneven.

Benefits of Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning Facial Is So Much More Than Shaving Your Face

According to WebMD, The exfoliation and hair removal can leave your skin brighter and smoother. The treatment may soften fine lines and wrinkles and ease hyperpigmentation, or uneven skin tone. It’s also used to treat deep acne scars. How well it works really depends on your skin type, tone, and medical history.

Dermaplaning is a manual exfoliation meant to be performed primarily on the face. Also known as leveling the skin or blading, it involves the use of a sterile surgical blade, known as a dermatome, that gently scrapes away the top layer of problem skin. The dermatome is held against taut skin at a 45-degree angle and stroked in a manner similar to shaving.

This method removes the outermost layer of dead skin cells, leaving the skin smooth and supple.

Dermaplaning is usually only performed on the face and generally excludes any blading of the nose, eye lids, neck, or chest. It is recommended that the procedure be done every 3 to 4 weeks (or once a month), which coincides with a normal skin cycle of approximately 30 days.

Dermaplaning is wonderful for exfoliating the skin and for those that have peach fuzz on their face. It removes this along with dead skin cells, resulting in healthier looking skin. This treatment is great for someone who has sensitive skin or facial hair that does not respond to laser hair removal. Removal of this outer layer of dead skin cells and fine hair enhances the penetration and speed of your personal skin care regimen. It is great for priming the skin for a Chemical Peel.

After the treatment, your make up will go on better and your skin will be very smooth. This is a no downtime procedure.

Risks and Side Effects

Dermaplaning is a low-risk procedure. Side effects may include slight redness in your face in the hours after getting the treatment. Some people develop whiteheads on their skin in the day or two after dermaplaning.

Infection and scarring are rare after dermaplaning, but they do occur. If you develop a scar from dermaplaning, your doctor may need to treat the scar tissue with a steroid injection to soften the scar tissue.

Another possible side effect is a patchy skin pigment in the area where you have the procedure, which may decrease or disappear as time goes on.

Short-term side effects may include:

  • Red and swollen skin from the scraping
  • Soreness
  • A burning or tingling sensation for about 48 hours after the procedure
Dermaplaning isn’t recommended if you have inflammatory skin conditions such as:

Where Can You Get It?

It’s best to go to a licensed aesthetician or doctor in DESUAR Spa if you’re thinking about trying dermaplaning.

Do-it-yourself kits and tools are available online and at your local drugstore. But because you’re using a very sharp blade, you may cut your skin when you scrape it. This can lead to infection or other problems.

Schedule an appointment with DESUAR Spa if you’re concerned about your skin because it feels great to look good.

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