7 Signs Your Anxiety Is Getting Worse


7 Signs Your Anxiety Is Getting Worse

Anxiety is a mental health disorder characterized by healthy thoughts of anxiety, fear, or worry. These are enough to interfere with one’s daily activities. Anxiety disorders can be of various types like panic attacks, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

Most people experience anxiety at some point or other in their lives. Some of them take several anti-anxiety pills to eradicate or distract the anxiety for a specific period. Another great, natural alternative is Lazarus Naturals, which is safe, healthy and very effective as a measure against anxiety. Extreme life events like moving, changing jobs, or having financial troubles, anxiety is generally a very normal response. It can help us assess any danger, keeping us engaged and motivated to take care of ourselves and the environment around for the best of our interest.

However, when that anxiety crosses all its limits and becomes excessive to interfere with your daily lives, it could be signs of a recurring anxiety disorder. This weakens your ability to think clearly and pragmatically evaluate risks. Instead, they make you unduly frightened, hostile, or irritable, and your body uncomfortable, which can favorably affect the mood.

Anxiety is a manageable immediate medical intervention, and to get help for such issues; we should be aware of the common signs indicating that our anxiety might worsen. Experts believe that a certain level of anxiety is helpful as it helps humans remain aware and focused. Following are the main symptoms that can mean that your anxiety is getting worse.

1. Sleeplessness

Sleeplessness or insomnia is strongly linked to anxiety. Having trouble falling asleep or waking up in the middle of the night and the inability to go back to sleep are significant signs of anxiety. Additionally, insomnia due to anxiety is distinct since racing thoughts often become a vicious cycle.

2. Excessive Worrying

One of the most common anxiety symptoms is disproportionate and excessive worrying that spirals out of control. Worries out of anxiety are more substantial and unnecessary to the triggered everyday events. They are severe and intrusive, making it difficult to control, concentrate, and accomplish any daily chores. Such disproportionate worries are usually a symptom of panic disorder or social anxiety disorder.


4. Restlessness

Irritability or restlessness is another symptom seen to be most prevalent among children and teens. People with such symptoms are always on edge to respond to any danger that might not be present. This may result in a disproportionate response to stimuli, such as being bothered by things that never triggered them before, like frustrating social situations.

5. Intensely Agitated

Intense anxiety affects your body differently with feelings such as sweaty palms, shaky hands, racing pulse, and dry mouth. This happens when your sympathetic nervous system begins to function past its optimal capacity while your brain prepares your body to respond appropriately to a threat. It also intensifies your heart rate and heightens your senses. People with recurring anxiety might experience this kind of provocation for extended periods.

6. Self Consciousness

Anxiety symptoms also include the occasional heightened level of self-consciousness or awareness. This might increase with everyday situations or mainly when the person is in the spotlight. They may feel like they are ‘spinning out of control’ in their lives or ‘drowning’ in stress. Even regular interactions with friends or family become difficult for them making them nauseated and too conscious.

7 Signs Your Anxiety

7. Changed Eating Habits

Since your body reacts and behaves differently while having anxiety, your eating habits tend to change. According to experts, overeating and under-eating are both signs that suggest a trial to relieve anxiety. However, addressing the feelings causing a change in your habits is vital for your mental health.

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5 Home Remedies To Help Alleviate Stress

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Alleviate Stress

5 Home Remedies To Help Alleviate Stress

Stress is part of life. The rush to catch the train or meet a presentation deadline is normal in our life. However, stress is good but only in reasonable doses. During the time of stress, the brain releases a hormone called cortisol. In normal doses, these hormones increase your heartbeat and create muscle tension. The idea is to give you an edge during strenuous activity such as running from an angry chicken.

Sustained stress is not suitable for the body. This is stress arising from negative interaction, relationship issues, a demanding boss, cares, worries of everyday life, etc. Sadly, this sort of stress takes its toll on the body. It creates a platform for developing several health issues like headaches, diabetes, obesity, irritability, muscle pain, depression, and fatigue.

The good news is, you can manage stress from the comfort of your home. There are simple activities you can do from your home to beat stress. This article will shed light on five of such actions:

1. Guided Imagery

There is a reason companies give yearly vacation to their employees. They know that time out from work, from the city’s hustling and bustling, is vital to their workers’ health. The idea is not to go on vacation but attempt a mental vacation.

This is the idea behind guided imagery – using positive mental images to influence how you feel. All you have to do is imagine yourself in a safe and happy place where you are not overwhelmed with the present world’s cares and worries. It could be a beach in Hawaii with the ocean waves caressing your skin or the Bahamas. You can do this with a recording, in which another voice will guide you through a serene environment. Do this once or twice a day to escape the stress.

2. CBD Oil

You can also use CBD oil as a home remedy to combat stress. The absence of THC creates a calming effect, which does not make users high. It is available online and offline without a prescription, as long as it is legal in your state. Many people have used CBD oil and testified of its effectiveness in staying calm in a stressful moment.

According to research, CBD can fight anxiety by regulating the endocannabinoid system, which becomes disoriented due to chronic stress. CBD also interacts with the serotonin receptors, the culprit behind stress and anxiety. The combination with these receptors produces a calm feeling, which, in turn, can reduce stress, anxiety, and panic. CBD can also be consumed in the form of baked edibles, or topically, in the form of balms and salves.

3. Aromatherapy

Inhaling some soothing essential oil or plant oils can have a direct effect on stress and anxiety. Aromatherapy has been proven to boost contentment, reduce cortisol levels, and bring down stress perception. It is a good option with few side effects.

For instance, lavender aromatherapy has been shown to reduce crying in infants, according to studies. It also fosters sleep in adults. Aromatherapy massage can reduce anxiety. A few examples of essential oil worth trying are rose essential oil, bergamot essential oil, Jasmine essential oil, Neroli essential oil, etc.

Alleviate Stress

4. Herbal teas

There are herbal teas that help reduce stress and tension in the body. While preparing and drinking tea soothes some people, there are special teas that directly affect the brain to reduce stress and anxiety. According to a 2018 trial, chamomile tea directly reduces the level of cortisol in the body. Peppermint is also a terrific choice as it comes with natural soothing qualities.

Green tea, in addition to helping to get rid of stress, comes with a series of health benefits. The antioxidants in green tea also help fight stressors in the body.

5. Get Your Mind off the Stressor

There are times you could be extremely overwhelmed by your stressor. While you might think giving it immediate attention is the best call, taking a step back in most cases does help. Here is a couple of things you can do to distract yourself:

● Meditation: Meditate to bring your mind and consciousness to the present moment. You can do this by only focusing on your breath. You can also use a mantra that you repeat to bring you back to the moment.

● Listen to music: Your favorite music can help you relax, taking your mind away from whatever is bothering you.

● Watch a Movie: More specifically, watch a comedy movie. It can relax your brain and calm the nerves.

By distancing yourself from the issue, it allows you to get your act together. Next time you attempt to focus on the issue, you can get a fresh perspective rather than allowing the issue to weigh you down.

Alleviate Stress


You do not have to spend a lot of money before you get rid of stress. Right from your home’s comfort, you can take creative steps to limit stress and its impact positively. We have discussed five healthy and effective ways to help you and get your life in order. These points will go a long way to keep you sane and on top of your game.

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CBD: 5 Myths Busted

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CBD treatment

CBD: 5 Myths Busted

When you look at the history of cannabinol (CBD), you quickly realize nothing is new about this natural compound. CBD has been around for thousands of years, and during that time, it was regularly considered a potential medicinal tool. The newness of CBD lies in its introduction to the western world in the form of different products. CBD-infused products come in many ways, from oil tinctures to edibles, vape liquids, skincare products, balms, candles, and so much more.

Often a trending product on social media, this natural compound’s popularity is undoubtedly on the rise, but with more fans comes the scrutiny by the critics who want us to see CBD’s dark side. The question is, is there a dark side to CBD, or are these only myths? The following are five CBD myths busted to clear the area around this natural compound.

CBD treatment

1. CBD and marijuana are the same things.

The simple answer is no. Derivation of CBD from the marijuana plant is possible, but so is a derivation from the hemp plant. Hemp-derived CBD is the safest option because hemp contains a low percentage of THC. Indeed, hemp-derived CBD has less than 0.3 percent THC.

On the other hand, marijuana-derived CBD can contain a higher THC level because the marijuana plant has a high THC percentage. The question is, why does THC mark a critical difference? You can learn more about that in the next myth-busting point.

2. You can get high from CBD.

CBD derived from hemp has a low THC content and cannot make users experience mind-altering effects associated with marijuana. A CBD product has a lower THC content than marijuana, which can have up to 30 percent THC. When CBD products contain less than 0.3 percent THC, there is no risk of getting high nor a risk of overdosing. Users prefer CBD because a lack of THC means there is no risk of getting paranoid or more anxious.

So when it comes to purchasing CBD products, be sure to check the THC content to ensure it has the percentage you prefer. CBD and marijuana come in similar forms, including edibles, vape liquids, and creams. Some cannabis farmers even sell marijuana seeds in 2020.

CBD treatment

3. The CBD industry is sketchy.

The CBD industry is booming, but it is relatively young, and only time will tell us how it will evolve. Since it is new, there are no standard guidelines or regulations on proper cultivation, production, and manufacturing. As a result, some CBD brands are selling low-quality products to make money fast.

Nevertheless, there are professional brands that are taking care to provide users with high-quality products. They are doing so by being transparent about their production process and providing users the answers to their questions.

A reliable way of determining the quality of a product is through the Certificate of Analysis. A quality product will have a document accredited by a lab that will show the full composition.

4. There’s barely any research on CBD.

The research on CBD is limited because most researchers are only permitted to experiment on rodents rather than humans. However, there is a growing body of research, where PubMed alone holds over 20,000 citations regarding CBD and the endocannabinoid system.

The one exception of CBD research is when it comes to children with a rare form of epilepsy known as Dravet’s syndrome. In this case, the studies resulted in the FDA approving the first-ever CBD-based drug that children as young as two years old can take.


5. CBD Products Are Illegal.

Because of the 2018 US Farm Bill, this statement is now a myth. CBD products are legal in all the US states and some other countries, as long as their THC content is below 0.3 percent. You can travel with CBD products without getting into trouble as you would with marijuana. However, it is essential to prove your products contain less than 0.3 percent THC.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know more about CBD, this could be the time to explore this natural compound. CBD is considered safer than marijuana due to its lack of psychoactive effects. However, it is best to consult a medical professional before using it to take the right dose and choose the best brand.

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