Slimming Treatments
Maderoterapia (Wood Therapy)
Experience the benefits of Maderoterapia, also known as “Wood Therapy.” This non-invasive treatment employs wooden handheld tools like rolling pins and vacuum-suction cups to contour the body without harming the skin or tissue. Each wooden instrument is designed for specific body areas, helping to tone, reduce, mold, and eliminate stored fat, while also combating cellulite for silky smooth skin.
Key Benefits:
- Contours the body
- Reduces cellulite
- Facilitates weight loss
- Enhances lymphatic drainage
How It Works: These specialized techniques sculpt tissues, promoting the movement and drainage of accumulated fat cells through the lymphatic system. Wood Therapy intensifies the breakdown of fat and fibrous cellulite, allowing them to be eliminated naturally along with other toxins.
Recommended Treatment Plan:
- 10-15 sessions for optimal results
- Weekly treatments advised
Discover the transformative effects of Wood Therapy and achieve a sculpted, smooth physique.
- 25min – $90
- 50min – $155
- 75min – $230
Buy a series: Pay for 5 and get 6 sessions!
M'Lis Contour Body Wraps & Body Shaping
The M’lis Professional Contour body wrap helps to free and remove trapped waste in the connective tissue, eliminating internal disfiguring deposits and stimulate inch loss. This is not a temporary water loss wrap. Inch loss of 4”-14” is guaranteed. M’lis’ Contour Body Wrap that offers permanent inch loss (not caused by excessive sweating). You’re wrapped up there is no sweating you are actually flushing down toxins and fat! First, your skin is exfoliated with a scrub, then the treatment cream is applied and a special wrapping technique is used to help firm and lift the “trouble areas”. The wrapping also plays a role in enhancing lymphatic drainage.
The Contour Body Wrap was originally developed by a UCLA biochemist to enhance circulation and lymphatic flow in patients with diabetes and other chronic diseases. Further research revealed that the wrap not only increased circulation but also cleansed the tissue which resulted in healthy inch loss and smoother skin. The Contour Body Wrap is a complete detoxification system for internal and external cleansing, cellulite reduction and inch loss. This body wrap system has been around for over 30 years which is further testament to its efficacy
Like most holistic treatments, a series of body wrap treatments are more effective than just one (ideally 6 treatments). You probably wouldn’t want to do more than 1 treatment per week. The inches will only return if the client goes back to old habits. Eating the right types of foods, proper exercise, and drinking 8 glasses of water per day are always recommended.
There are also a few awesome take home products to compliment the treatment and extend results.
60 min $170
Pre-Purchase a 5-Pack and receive (1) one free!
Please Note: Women who are pregnant or lactating should not receive this treatment.
Please note: Clients with allergies to Niacin, as well as women who are pregnant or lactating, should not receive this treatment.
- Must avoid drinking water an hour before service
- Can not shower for 6-8 hours
- Must avoid vitamin D any niacin containing products for 2 days
- No shaving same day
- No tingling cream.
- Please wear a bra
Morpho Designer Perfect Contour Massage
After a shower-less, rinse-less scrub polishes the skin to a satin finish, a contouring massage balm is used with specific techniques to reshape the figure, boost fat burning, and firm the skin. This scrub and massage combo allows you to relax, slim, and gain a glowing complexion at the same time! For dramatic slimming, and reshaping results, enjoy this massage in a series.
50min $180
Anti-aging, firming after weight loss or childbirth, post-sun
Experience our comprehensive anti-aging and detoxifying body wrap. Cocooned in a firming body gel rich in sea minerals, your skin absorbs toning extracts while a soothing massage helps penetrate the elixirs to hydrate, tighten, and stimulate the skin. Repeated use reveals long-term anti-aging effects, perfect for skin lacking elasticity due to childbirth, sun damage, or significant weight loss. Noticeable firming results are achieved over time. This treatment can be purchased individually or in a series of three or six sessions.
- 50 min – $145
Bubble Buster Cellulite Lipo Massage
Formerly Cellulite Lipomassage
Post-surgical, orange peel skin, firming, reshape
Rubs away the “lumpiness” using The Wellbox Lipomassage Cellulite & Fat Reduction. This device is based on the most efficient non-invasive professional technique cleared by the FDA for the reduction in the appearance of cellulite. Wellbox is also a highly effective post-operative healing device to use following liposuction, tummy tuck, or any body plastic surgery to help stimulate circulation, reduce swelling and bruising, treat lumpiness that can occur following surgery. Lipomassage can also help achieve a radiant appearance through its delicate exfoliation mechanism and achieve rejuvenated skin through its optimized microcirculation mechanism that oxygenates and brings precious nutrients to the skin. Manual massage using Phytomer Contour Balm is used in conjunction to assist soothing away the “lumpiness” using kneading and rolling massage techniques that penetrate deep into the affected body tissue. The cellulite massage can Improved circulation which softens the fatty areas and releases them over time. The kneading and gentle rubbing of the muscles and fat soothe tensed muscles and improve blood flow, it also works by targeting the lymphatic system and draining the accumulated fluid.
For this type of treatment, several sessions are needed to achieve the best result.
- 50 min $140
- Buy 5 treatments get 1 free session
- Buy 10 treatments get 2 free sessions
Cryo CoolRestore Body Fat Reduction & Firming
Body CRYO Fat Reduction – price is based per body area*
CoolRestore is one of the latest, most advanced, and unique Cryo Systems on the market
Cryo Body CoolRestore introduces cold, or cryo, therapy to targeted areas of the most concern with several positive effects:
Fat Reduction/Slimming:
The temperature range of +4 to -4 Degrees Celsius can dramatically impact the local fat deposits. This low range affects the local blood circulation and shrinks blood vessels. This leads to a “numbing” sensation during the treatment. Eventually this stressful freezing condition initiates a cascade of intracellular reactions and stimulates “apoptosis” – a natural death of fatty cells. As a result – reduced local fat deposits
Cryo CoolRestore Elegance performs an advanced treatment which involves exposing the targeted area to extremely low temperatures, which shocks the adipocytes and leads to a sped up, and more effective, adipocyte elimination process. Studies have shown that exposing the skin to freezing temperatures accelerates cell apoptosis which is a natural and controlled cell death. Cells will gradually be eliminated within months after the treatment and be removed out through the lymphatic system.
- 50min – $210
For more information, check out our CoolRestore page
Procell™ Microchanneling Body
This ProCell Microchanneling body treatment is the closest, non-invasive, alternative to Micro-needling. This body device helps address skin concerns such as; resurfacing & enlarged pores, aging skin, wrinkles, stretch marks, acne sc arring, discoloration, or scarring.
It is the most effective non-invasive & skin rejuvenating, with no downtime, and is one of the safest beauty devices on the market today. Many of the invasive treatments risk damage to the dermal layer with potential exposure to pain, infection, and toxic side effects.
If you want fast and effective results, this is the perfect treatment to consider. It delivers nutrients into the skin encouraging the natural production of collagen and elastin.
The procedure makes uniform holes in the outermost layer of your skin, the same size & the same depth, without damaging or scratching your skin. These tiny holes, also called as channels, are the perfect way to get healing products into your skin, such as the ProCell Serum which has stem cell technology. This treatment is clinically proven to increase collagen & elastin production, which in turn increases the thickness of the skin while improving the appearance of the skin.
- 50min – $450
Series of 3 $1,150 (200 Savings)
For more information, check out our Procell Microchanneling page
Endosphères Therapy®
100% Non-invasive. Clinically Tested.
Outstanding Results.
Cellulite Reduction
Endosphères Therapy® is a technology that uses an innovative Compressive Microvibration™ system, a treatment that, through a roller device composed of 55 silicon spheres, generates low-frequency mechanical vibrations. The Endosphères Therapy® method has been enriched with the sensor system, a pressure-controlled mechanism, which allows it to accurately assess the amount of pressure applied in relation to the type of tissue and the number of sessions already completed.
The Endosphères treatment produces five synergistic actions; Lymphatic drainage, Pain relief, action of the vascular system, body contouring, and muscle toning. Endosphères therapy is effective on the whole body and allows you to target specific areas of your body that you wish to see improvement in. This treatment addresses everything from muscle toning, to reduction of cellulite, and rejuvenation.
- Tones and Shapes Muscles
- Effectively Reduces Cellulite
- Relieves minor muscle aches and pain
- Non-surgical technique that combats the appearance of cellulite
- Improves and reactivates local blood circulation
- Activates lymphatic system and enhances lymphatic drainage
- Aides in muscle recovery post workout
- Improves tone and texture
Contraindications & Considerations
Due to the safe and noninvasive nature of Endosphères™ therapy, there are very few conditions that are contraindicated for this service.
The conditions that are contraindicated for all treatments include:
- Pregnancy/Breastfeeding
- Deep Vein Thrombosis
- Phlebitis
- Severe Varicose veins
- Taking anticoagulant drugs
- Irremovable piercings in the treatment area
- Cancer treatments in the past five years (unless doctor’s clearance is received)
- Surgery in the past three months (unless doctor’s clearance is received)
- Active eczema or psoriasis in the treatment area
- Presence of an active skin and/or bacterial infection
- Open wounds or skin in the treatment area
Sessions start at $225 per area.
For more information, check out our Endospheres page
Slimming Treatments near me
Contact us for your consultation today with Desuar Spa. Conveniently located in Downtown LA and Hollywood, Desuar Spa is a place where you can spend an hour of your time experiencing an amazing high-end therapeutic, skin, or body treatment. Call us at 213-265-7908 (DTLA) or 323-371-4556 (Hollywood) to schedule your consultation today.