An induction massage improves circulation.
If you are pregnant, blood volume in your body increases dramatically to as much as fifty percent. Blood flow that reaches your legs usually becomes sluggish. Moreover, levels of anticoagulants in your blood that are designed to prevent hemorrhaging during delivery rise naturally. Due to all of these circulatory changes in your body, you are at risk of having blood clots in your lower legs specifically in the calves or inner thigh. With this, massage experts will use very light and slow strokes on your legs. They also avoid any deep massage and applying strong pressure on your legs because this may dislodge a blood clot. In addition to this, they avoid deep-tissue massage, deep acupressure, shiatsu, cross-fiver, and percussive tapping on the legs. All of their massage strokes will aim to move to the heart.
The massage helps in body pain.
Induction massage methods utilize designed rhythmic movements that work deep into the body to boost circulation and relieve the strain in your muscles and joints. It works by easing sciatic nerve pain and reducing swelling.
As your stomach becomes bigger, it is likely that you will have sciatic nerve pain because of the pressure placed on the muscles of your lower back and the pelvic floor of your uterus. This pressure will move down the legs which results in swelling and additional pressure is placed on the nerves. An induction massage can release tension within your muscles which will help by easing swelling and relieving your pain.
Joint pain is very common as your baby grows because too much pressure is placed on the main blood vessels in your body because of poor circulation. The heaviness of your uterus can also cause the joints to swell and your legs to hurt. An induction massage can help by stimulating the soft tissues and reduce the fluid retention within your joints.
It improves your posture.
Maintaining a good posture and alignment is also important in reducing body pain. Doing this is difficult as your baby becomes bigger and bigger and you will notice later on that the extra weight you are carrying everywhere can cause you to have poor posture. This can cause other problems such as joint pain and muscle spasms because of the heavy pressure applied to them. By undergoing an induction massage, it helps by improving muscle flexibility and tone, which will make your body more suited to take on the additional weight.
It relaxes the mind and gives renewed energy.
An induction massage is a good way to alleviate stress. A research conducted by the University of Miami School of Medicine reveals that an induction massage has numerous beneficial effects such as lowering of anxiety. In another study, researchers were able to discover that this type of massage is capable of elevating levels of serotonin and dopamine which are collectively called the feel-good hormones. An induction massage can also contribute to decreasing the levels of cortisol which is an indicator of stress. Overall, this massage can improve your mood and state of mind. Researches have also shown that, for many pregnant women, an induction massage has other great benefits. It can boost the immune system’s ability to fight off viruses and tumors and improve sleep.
The massage can make more space for your baby to come out.
An induction massage can help in releasing your sacrum and pelvic area so that more space is created for your baby to come down into your pelvis. This is very important for easier child delivery.
The massage can stimulate the release of specific hormones that causes labor.
Undergoing this method can stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system to encourage labor. This is made possible as the massage decreases the levels of stress hormones in your body and elevates the natural hormone, oxytocin, which is the main hormone responsible for childbirth and mother-child bonding. Moreover, the massages let your body have a deeply relaxing state and at the same time, stimulate points in your body that allow it to do whatever it is meant for it to do.
If you are still wondering if a massage during pregnancy is safe, then it is best that you ask for advice from your doctor. Just in case you decide to have an induction massage, make sure that you get someone who has a license, experience, and specializes in this type of massages. Also, never go through any massages while you are still in your first trimester. Though a massage cannot cause a miscarriage, the risk is high during this period.
Just do not forget that prior to undergoing any induction massage sessions, it is important that you inform and discuss this with your doctor. If you think you will be needing an induction massage because of the benefits that it can offer, then go for it.